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The Hanford Sentinel from Hanford, California • 6

The Hanford Sentinel from Hanford, California • 6

Hanford, California
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HAM0H1) DAILY SENTINKL-MuM'AV, 1921. rAf.r ris T. D. THEATRE Cool and Comfortable We Are Offering Exceptional Values! in' i RE- EX- CO ya an GUARDIANSHIP port is Au.ou:i)-mv PTI ON NI A A TT OVER BY STiri'L VTIONS. DIOGENES AVOlLl) FIND LONG-LOOKED FOR MAN II 1IE WERE TO CONSULT A MRETY UOM.

lA WOM EN Tl! Us TWO It Ill Y. RESIDES 11EU MOSES WAS A YOUNG FELLOW AND THE TKELYE CAESARS WERE Ol' THE YESTERDAYS. Eiffel. Maid Button fess Unidifeuits 1:. t1 71' if 1 1 likl1 1 I a i 1 1 i -lliiltdulpss, I I nimni'd.

MONDAY, JUNE 27 CONSTANCE TALMADGE In her greatest success DANGEROUS BUSINESS Murk fv'iiiiHt's l.iliM -incf r-sil ion. She Sighed by the Seaside Murliim (lie luted amt Greatest EDDIE POLO By 1IAKOLD D. JACOBS (United Press Staff Corrospon'ient) By A. J. AVEST tCnited Press Staff Correspondent.) June 27.

Eves sister has -of Fine Silks, Nainsuoks, Jltilistcs; lailomi to They laimilt'i' liant ifitll v. fil There was a brief ealeudar in superior court today and only five matters were in the list, action being taken in one estate and on one demurrer. Airs. Host testified in final account in estate of Manuel Rosa, and her 1 report, was approved. Petition for i distribution was submitted by Attor-, ney Covert.

in final account and petition for dis-, trihution in estate of Andrew Scia-rone, continuance was granted to July New York-, June 27. if Diogenes were pt ill running around with a lantern looking for an honest man lie would find him among these clnssifi- arrived in London. CaFat1S" Slie lieS iu a Joal pucking- Married 'ease in the Egyptology section of the Or hot tempered. University College, Gower street, and -Colors while and flesh. This statement was made today by an authority, William 11.

Joyce, president of die National company, whose business is to insure mens she doesn't mind in the least being called the oldest young woman in the world. Professor Flinders Petrie, who lias Ms terrific sensation. Do or Eighteen couplers of niDruliire on the Island of Usi. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Phone 600 Phone 601 Joyce's concern furnishes bonds for i been reawkening the centuries in employes in positions ot trust, and, he lias just brought this Mummy points out, if it were not for the fact nn that most persons are' inherently lion- to London. She is at least SOOO years ost we couldn't continue in business." i ohl.

Besides her Moses is quite a "Ala rrlod men, because of the re- I modern young fellow, and to lior the sponsibility of tneir families. ar; twelve Caesars are but as yesterday. I She lived in pre-dynastio Kgypt, more honest than bachelors in the ra tio of about six said. Cash or Credit Quality and Service $6.50 CANE SUGAR 1 OO-lb. sack PURE Per In first and final account of estate ot Emelin It in.

Attorney MeQuiddy requested that it go over to Juiy .1. Matter of AViskerson vs. Wiskerson went over in accordance with stipulation. The court allowed expenditures in guardianship matter of Abraham Vartanian with few exceptions and disallows expenditure for chicken feed bat allows the chickens for Mrs. A'ar-tanian.

Prptest was filed by brother of die incompetent man. Demurrer in action of E. Cl. Henley vs, H. T.

Ashford was overruled and ten days allowed for answer. to one." Joyse TODAY SHIRLEY MASON Fat men are naturally of a more contented disposition and are ss liable to prey on society "Hot-tempered men usually find an outlet for their harmful impulses in unrestrained language and rarely take what doesn't belong to As regards races, Joyce placed the Chinese first in honesty, with Anglo- 1 Saxons next. Women, he said, apparently are superior to men from the standpoint of honesty, seldom stealing unless prompted by love or actual poverty. I i IN ll THE LAMP LIGHTER NO. 4 DOUBLE ADVENTURE I SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY Siielene.

large sia 1.10 Size ke liny them by I lie Yan Camps lleaus: urge size, dozen, Med I a in size, dozen, 1.00 Nmnll tize, dozen, 1.15 Cedar lolnl Oysters $3.00 tillin', jwr diO dozen, iSliasla Sardines, $2.25 value, per A dozen, I Pimento Cheese, fresh every day, A per pound tOw Fryolu, (lie purest shortening, 8 1-2 pounds $1 .00 O-Joy-BoseiT. Dainty, Creamy, Economical, regular price 2 for 25e, 3 pkg's. for kOv Corned Beef, No. 1 4 'Cans I DC Libby's Blood Red Beefs, 2 lb. Cans, 250 Bilk, all kinds, 12c can.

per dozen I rT Justine Johnstone in "Sheltered Daughters long before history had begun. Site was thousands of years before the Pyramids and before men chipped on stone the record of their lives and times. Although other pro-dvnastic skeletons have been discovered in Egypt, this is the oldest preserved body of a woman ever known. Experts say she was about twenty years old when she died. She lies with her knees drawn up to her chin and one hand resting before her mouth.

Ilbr preservation is due to exposure in the sun. She lias been sun-dried and then left in the sands of Egypt while empires rose Pd fell and centuries, like tides, washed over the world. Most of her hones are exposed, a pale amber color, and here and there woven cloth adheres her 8000-vear-old wonderfully preserved. were large, her she was certainly girl. which she lies, contains soft Egyptian 1 sine night a poor seen looging for a at the moment the worst dress- A CHEAP TICKET 1 mm.

1 Cmti'il Pris Leased Wire.) Washington, June 27. President Harding. Secretary of State Hughes amt other members of ttie cabinet today had before them predictions of war witli Japan and charges of Bri-ish designs to bring about such a war. These charges were contained in a telegram from Thomas Millard, the American writer on the Far Kart. The Far Eastern situation," stated Millard, "is more amiuous than I have ever known it to I regard war witli Japan almost certain "'ul A renewal of the Anglo-Japanese alliance on its old lines will surely be directed against America.

"I am convinced the British government's policy in China is opposed to American policy and secretly work--' against our interests out there. My opinion is that Great Britain is purposely framing up a war betwee Japan and the United States. (T-ly United Pi ess Leased Wire.) San Francisco June 27. The ig-uominous plight of the Princess Fatima of Al'ganistan and lier three sons who arrived here Saturday among second-class passengers on the liner Taiyo Maru, bids fair to become an international incident. Prince Molib liassi-m Khan, 19, the heir-apparent to the throne of Al'ganistan, yesterday, on behalf of his mother, sent a telegram to the British ambassador at Washington asking him to have President Harding publicly rebuke Cook's Tours, it seems by some mistake in the 1 e( woman in London, rate of Atglian exchange, Cook's Tours, through which the princess and her sons purchased their tickets, thought the princess was only sending enough money for second-class passage, and hence engaged that space for her.

When she discovered the horrible mistake it was too late to change, because all other available space had Jheen sold. Hence the princess asks a public rebuke by President Harding. a few inches of neatly to them gown! Her head is Her eyes forehead broad, and a tall, slim The museum, in some beautiful, fabrics. Perhaps little ghost will be new dress, because Eve's sisler is by far III Coalinga, June 27. KNIFE FIGHT As the result of "ptTRTtDU Ktritf "t(5 lie If IgTi qvej, i girl.

Chester Yaugh of Coalinga was I severely stabbed late Saturday by Ernest Mercer, who Is being held in I the county jail in default of $25,000 bond. Yaugh may die as the result of his wounds. According to Constable Peterson of Coalinga, four men and four women staged a "liquor" party in the bills near Coalinga Friday night. Some icas no.) arose between two of the men, Santa Ana. June 2 1 Justice J.

B. Cox today introduced in bis court and the stabbing followed Saturday. stabbed in the neck, rr Have some of our delicious and cooling BENHAMS ICE CREAM Yaugh was once public Hogging as a penalty for wife about and arms, aIul twice in heating. He lashed Juan Torres client, one wound grazing his heart, whip. Big welts were raised on the -ppg participants it was learned tin ee times er the back witli a horse I yesterday bv District Attorney Gear-aceused back.

The punishment was jwti C0Msisted 0f Ernest Mercer, inflicted after Torres bad pleaded Chester VauKhf Richard Chamber- guilty to the charge, preferred by Ins I iajUi pniott Cheney, "Bumpy Hutcli- If' insun. Mrs. Mabel Enslev, Miss Elea- Torres flew into a rage Saturday nor Asdllnall, Mrs. and Mr. mglit when lie discovered lus wile and Mrs, chnd.s all of Coalinga.

reading Signs of the odias. NX hen he or try one of our Fountain Drinks and you wont mind the hot weather. illy United Press Wire.) New Westminster, B. June 27. third liquor is flowing in liritish Columbia, hut like the course of true love not i.lw smoothly.

Fin example: The winch pro vales for the sale of under government control, is a law, and therefor open to dispute. And the p-rnut clerk is admittedly a little haze on ail its interpretations. (me from Wa. hinglmi ri.ite I led up to the curb, ready to with two dollars for a permit and extra dollars for a ho tile of the "real stuff. Cut in-tead spent an hour arguing 1 clauses of the moderation net.

The clerk wasn't sure whether "passenger ear means ''private!) owned a'. to" I whether the hack office of a eon--titntes "a public place" under tlm So lh" purchase was deferred until cli -eisioii was made the higher ups. Tien again, when they it, it isn't Imel.v sometimes. It. la.

Johnson, a I'aneouver druggist, who succeeded hi procuring Ins liquor, was unwise enough to drink too much of it. Next day he was fined SliH) for being drunk. The minimum line midi the new act is for the tlrst offense. Open All Night IE 101 11 asked her what she was reading she replied that the hook she held in her hand was an almanac. He grabbed it out of her hand.

Finding it was the Signs of tli Zodiac, jvhieh she said disclosed to her that lie had three I sweethearts, he beat her up severely I with a horsewhip. I If you think that I should receive the same treatment I gave my wife, it I is agreeable to me, said Torres when Cox suggested that Ipe should be' Cleveland. June 27. -Trial of I hoty ewbipped. The justice accepted Mrs.

Eva Catherine Kaber for the I the challenge, told the prisoner to I murder of her husband, Daniel F. take off his coat and stoop over, i Kaber, wealthy Lakewood, 0., pub- SE MAKE YOUR CI.QTHF.S ClfANER TEXAS ROMANCE IS COMPLETER IN 11 A EO It it The lash was then applied. Torres was given a suspended sentence of 90 days. license plane-, obtainable on regular application similar to that fdt automobiles, will be i-sued only to ()iose who have passed examination equal to that prescribed by army and navy flying division- Army aviators will he asked to assi-t the department in conducting the examinations. No person under III years of age will be given an operator's or rather pilot's license The fee for the license will be not less than $.7.

and for the examination not less than $25. Numbers on the license plates must be at least three teet in height for the convenine of acrid traffic cops. The cops xmli he the next thing for lh slate to worry about. If im. woman had all the chillies slip wanted, the rest of the women would have to go arouiv in barrels Sugar Citv (Colo.) Gazette.

Charles N. Cope, a trusted employe of tile D.xon ilc Sehucrcger ranch, ami Miss Agnes I llendmger, a former stenographer o( Phoenix. Arizona, were) united in matrimony Saturday alter-i noon at the Methodist parsonage by tile pastor. I Jr. XV.

Dexter. The young people were neighlsas in ffxas aim the romance begun under "Lone skies found a filling climax neatli the San Joaquin valley run. Mr. and ('ope will reside northeast of this city. Ur.

It. E. Dixon was an ellieient aide lo cupid in his work. lisher. promises medical experts.

County Prosecutor Edward C. Stanton said today that he would be prepared to show by expert testimony that Mrs. Kaber was not insane at the time she is charged witli hav- ing plotted against the invalid publishers life. Tile trial is scheduled to begin in common pleas court here tomorrow. Mrs.

Kaber's attorneys have indicated they will make a determined effort to keep women off the jury. pine National bank. 1 The demand follows -the Investigation being conducted by State Auditor William T. Nolting. In investigating the Compania Mercantile do Filipibas, owned by Senator Singson Enearna-cion, Nolting charged that ho discovered that while Encarnaclon was a member of the hoard of directors of Ihe Philippine National bank his com-i pany borrowed heavily from the bank for the purpose of purchasing ships.

NOTICE TO MASONS (By United Press Leased Wire.) Le i -1 -1 Win. Sncnmionlo. June 27. line (m niiidu ajili( ii'inn i nr Mini- state air-plnneMicens-o jet? So it if ds I'oo li-h. hat so, no dnv soon il will be at oh anil its I I'oalilosotnu a story.

as gelling i lie auio Iioohm' Alia filly Cliaih J. I'lionii. on-perintcmlcnt. ol Ino stair nioinr vclii-elo department is tuirniin uor Hi" it jioinTmoiit or a thief lot' the department's Munifhir division The hangar division will have iha'-ge ol till air craft as pvoiilo, under the Rosen-sliine bill adopted the ret en! legislature. t'nder the law every cniliaii a into)' in the Mute miM he licensed.

The Manila. P. June 27. The La KING PRESENTS CUP (By United' Press Loused Wit US. EM 1)1''.

It INSSI.S EXAMINATIONS The history of the world' shows Nairon newspaper today demanded that whenever one woman has sat. that the government ask the arrest of in judgment against another of her Ex-Governor Harrison and.return him sex, she has been hard on that to Manila from Scotland, where he is woman, Poulseu said today. "Myi now said to be visiting, to investigate experience has been that women jui'-and nrosecuto with President of ors are more merciless and cold- the Senate Quezon and Speaker Osme- Special Meeting AVodicsday Night. Work in the Third Degree. Al a special meeting of ltanfoni edge No.

279. F. ami A. there will lie work in the Third Degree of Masuli-i'. AM members and sojourning brethren are inched to be present.

Light refreshments. By order of tile Master. 9013 lit'RTON WASHBURN, Sec. Lenin is dead. dying assassinated, has the croup, the measles, is crazy, has a nervous breakdown, lias resigned.

That man may not be much of a statesman but he knows a good press agent when tie sees him. Wichita Eagle. London, June 27. King George today presented the American polo team with the cup it won in international matches at llurlingliani. Mrs l.

li of the Klims irounty It'" I was one ol' the lihrtiriiiis he ji.ts.seil the examine ion "I lh" si. in Mu. ii bnaiil and will rp-I ix a Ida 1 1 rertil lea te. blooded than na, on a charge of unlawful bank management. The trio composed the former board of control of the Pliillp- Subscribe for Daiiy Sentinel Subscribe for Daily uentinel.

T. D. Theatre, Wed. and June 29-30 JACK DEMPSEY In THE FIGHT OF THE AGE A two-reel inti BIG TRIPLE FEATURE PROGRAM Also Arthur Hornblows soul-absorbing story THE MASK Featuring HEDDA NOVA, JACK HOLT and Everybody's Darling Little MICKEY MOORE mate study of these two great fighters. AND- GEORGES CARPENTIER A humorous scientific entertainment showing the champions in action just before the big fight.

rmmm iWUJIUVUI liAilli.

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